Online MID-Examination 2024

Created on By ICL Computer Private Limited


Award of Grade:
The Grade of SATISFACTORY requires securing a minimum score of 40% in each internals as well as the final examination
& an overall weighted score of 50% An overall weighted score of 60-74% qualifies for CREDIT and >=75% qualifies for DISTINCTION.

1 / 100

Small graphic picture displayed on the screen is called:

2 / 100

Which key deletes the character to the left of the cursor?

3 / 100

The conversion of electrical signal in to human understandable signal is done by input device

4 / 100

Which of the following is not a default document type for a mail merge?

5 / 100

Which of the following is not a character style format?

6 / 100

Which key is used to print the current document?

7 / 100

How do you switch between programs?

8 / 100

An object from one application can be linked to another application by the method of

9 / 100

Which of the following keyboard shortcuts centers text horizontally?

10 / 100

Which tab on the Ribbon is used to insert special characters?

11 / 100

Clipboard is used to hold the

12 / 100

A program under execution is called task

13 / 100

What is the name of the column heading for each category in a data source?

14 / 100

Merge Cell is used

15 / 100

How many levels of indented text can appear in a multilevel list?

16 / 100

Which of the following is not an option in the Define New Bullet dialog box?

17 / 100

Virus is a .....

18 / 100

How is paragraph spacing measured?

19 / 100

Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor?

20 / 100

In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for …..

21 / 100

The modern keyboard typically has __________ Function keys

22 / 100

Which of the following is not a character style format?

23 / 100

Internet is the network of wide area network

24 / 100

The Physical or tangible equipment associated with computer system is

25 / 100

Background is not visible in

26 / 100

The combination of keyboard & monitor is called………………….

27 / 100

Human Brain Thinking Capacity is Equal to ....

28 / 100

Which of the following line spacing options increases or decreases line spacing by the percentage you specify?

29 / 100

Which of the following is not used to open the Font Dialog Box?

30 / 100

Keyboard is a Output Device

31 / 100

Ms-Word 2016 create file in extension

32 / 100

System software is the collection of application program. 

33 / 100

In which generation Artificial intelligence is used?

34 / 100

Which of the following keyboard shortcuts repeats a style?

35 / 100

Time during which a job is processed by the computer is

36 / 100

What is the keyboard shortcut to apply all capitals?

37 / 100

What does a red, wavy line under text represent?

38 / 100

To undo the last work, press …..

39 / 100

Which of the following formatting options is not available when you click the Format button in the Create New Style from Formatting dialog box?

40 / 100

Ms-Word is a/an

41 / 100

The extention of paint file is...

42 / 100

Which would you choose to save a document with a new name?

43 / 100

Which feature corrects commonly misspelled words as you key text? 

44 / 100

Keyborad is output Device

45 / 100

Which button on the Header & Footer Tools Design tab is used to open the Page Number Format dialog box?

46 / 100

Hyperlink button display in__

47 / 100

Which Tab on the Ribbon displays the Header and Footer Commands?

48 / 100

Which dialog box is used to change margin settings?

49 / 100

Format Painter is used to

50 / 100

.pdf files can also be opened in Ms-Word 2010...

51 / 100

Which Print option prints a Two-page document on one sheet of paper?

52 / 100

Which of the following formats is not included in paragraph styles?

53 / 100

Which of the following does not remove a style from text and restore the Normal style?

54 / 100

Computer memory consists of

55 / 100

Bullet button is displayed in

56 / 100

Primary memory is used to speed up processing.

57 / 100

How many bit in one byte

58 / 100

To select a paragraph in Ms-Word we …………….click on a word.

59 / 100

The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ________

60 / 100

Ms-Windows Server 2008 is an Application Software

61 / 100


62 / 100

Computers are extremely fast and have fantastic memories. However, the only thing they can remember is

63 / 100

line spacing tool is available in

64 / 100

A modern digital computer has...

65 / 100

Microcomputer is the multi-user system

66 / 100

VLSI Chip technology used

67 / 100

The function of CPU is..

68 / 100

What is the purpose of the Format Painter command?

69 / 100

Which tab on the Ribbon contains character formatting commands?

70 / 100

Shortcuts can be created on desktop

71 / 100

The deleted files can be recalled until it has not been deleted from the Recycle Bin.

72 / 100

Keyboard is the Substitute of Mouse

73 / 100

Windows is a multi-tasking operating system

74 / 100


75 / 100

Which of the following is the keyboard shortcut to initiate the Go To Command?

76 / 100

The shortcut key for copying the data is……

77 / 100

One KB is equal to

78 / 100

Which key do you press to check spelling?

79 / 100

To select a paragraph in Ms-Word 2010 we …………….click on a

80 / 100

Which of the following is not a default field name?

81 / 100

The transistorized computer circuits were introduced in the

82 / 100

What is the keyboard shortcut to create a new document?

83 / 100

The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called ……….

84 / 100

What is the full form of LAN?

85 / 100

LCD stands for large crystal display 

86 / 100

Which device is used convert human spoken word in to electrical Signal

87 / 100

Which key is used to select all the text in the document?

88 / 100

Which one is not a secondary Memory

89 / 100

How is the information in a data source organized?

90 / 100

OCR reads the information from

91 / 100

What button(s) on the mouse displays the shortcut menu?

92 / 100

Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques ?.

93 / 100

Special purpose computer is used to solve a wide range of Problem

94 / 100

Which ROM is erased by Exposing Ultra Violet Rays

95 / 100

Which of the following is not a common type of tab?

96 / 100

Which of the following determines how the edges of a paragraph appear horizontally?

97 / 100

Header & Footer is available under

98 / 100

Which of the following features is used to arrange the records in a data source before merging?

99 / 100

What is the keyboard shortcut to replace text?

100 / 100

The Capacity of DVD-ROM is………………………………